Azurite – Deep Blues from Arizona’s Historic Mines
Azurite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with a characteristic deep blue to violet-blue color. Some compare its color, known as “azure,” to the deep blue ocean or evening skies above desert landscapes.
Speaking of desert environments, here at Gallery TCR, many of our azurite specimens for sale are from Arizona mines, which have produced some of the finest azurites in the world. Azurite forms in copper-rich areas, often alongside malachite, chrysocolla, and other secondary copper minerals. High-grade azurite from Arizona (a.k.a. The Copper State) is highly sought-after for its strong saturation and distinct botryoidal or crystalline formations.
Azurite properties:
• Color: Deep blue, sometimes with green malachite inclusions
• Luster: Vitreous to dull, depending on the form
• Transparency: Opaque, often with translucent sections
• Hardness: Mohs 3.5–4
• Density: 3.77 to 3.89 g/cm³
• Formation: Develops in the oxidation zones of copper deposits
Something surprising: Ancient civilizations used azurite as a pigment. Painters throughout Ancient Egypt and the Renaissance period ground it into powder to create deep blue paints and dyes. Raphael’s “Procession to Calvary” (1504–1505) and Giotto’s “Madonna and Child” (1310–1315) are examples of famous paintings featuring this versatile blue mineral.
Gallery TCR takes pride in offering some of the best azurite specimens in the world. Our catalog features rough stones, polished pieces, and rare finds from top mining locations. Whether you’re searching for jewelry-grade material or display-worthy specimens, rest assured the quality of our selections will exceed your expectations.
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